New performance and creativity

249,00€ per year

incl. taxes

Brain training for a whole new level of performance

Creativity is the skill of the future. The world around us is changing at breakneck speed. What was set in stone yesterday will be new and different tomorrow.
Therefore, the ability of the future is to be able to react to these changes and to see the new path and the new answer for you or for your company. This is simply not possible from a brain frequency in stress, pressure and fear. Our patented brain frequency guidance trains you to repeatedly get out of this stress frequency and into deep relaxation. Only here you will find the yet unknown answer to the future.

Regular training with BrainUp creates a life in which you reach a completely new level of performance. Your system regenerates much faster and better.
You train for a “normal state” of deep calm. You will make better decisions, be more creative and ultimately: more yourself.

Your brain frequency is technically guided into a state of deep relaxation.
As in the gym, the best results and greatest effects are achieved when you train regularly. But BrainUp goes one step further:
You train to control your thoughts.
So you are always in the driver’s seat and will be able to control how successful your life can become.
Press the start button and train with BrainUp!

What to expect:

This first session is a mindfulness training where the goal is deep relaxation.
Use it when you notice that you no longer have your full power or capacity.
The better your system learns to relax again, the more efficient you become and the better access you gain to your creativity. According to studies, it is the core competence in business of the future.

There are different levels of relaxation that come in spurts, one after the other. You think you have already fully relaxed the area and only with the next conscious relaxation you realize, that there is another step and you can relax this area on an even deeper level.

With the triangle you train to gain control over your thoughts.
If you can control your thoughts, you directly determine how successful you can be and how you really feel in your professional and private life.
Train with this session at least 1x per week.

You focus your attention to your body and notice your heart and its activity. You feel your pulse and how your heart supplies your entire body. The more you focus on your pulse, the further you can follow the supply line through the whole body. From time to time you will feel more here.

In this session you directly change your overall state.
Use it when you are down, annoyed, depressed or otherwise feel bad.
You certainly know the effect of feeling bad again when you think back to an embarrassing, failed or sad moment, don’t you?
In this session you do exactly the opposite. You recall a moment in your memory when you were doing really well. When you achieved something great or when you felt unbeatable.
This frequency is consciously activated in you and directly changes your current state. From here you make the right decisions and act in your full power.

This session trains your ability of mind control. At the same time it charges you with new power.
If you can control your thoughts, you directly determine how successful you can be and how you really feel in your professional and private life.
It should be on your training schedule at least 1x per week. The best time is when you feel weak.

Your thoughts are focused here exclusively on one tone.
All other thoughts are postponed until later.
It is as if you press a stop button. Your thoughts come to rest. In addition, the special frequency of the tone charges your entire system with new power.

This session deeply relaxes you and quickly provides you with new strength.
It is optimal for the moment when you have almost used up your energy reserves.

It has been scientifically proven that a short moment of sleep during the day significantly increases the ability to perform and concentrate.
It is often not easy for us to get out of tension into sleep and to wake up again afterwards.
QantexX Sound takes over this task for you. You are specifically guided out of the stress frequency into light sleep. After a few minutes in this vibration, your brain frequency is “woken up” again and guided into the area of relaxed wakefulness.
In this way, you fall asleep in a targeted manner and awaken fresh and with new strength.

This session guides you into deep relaxation and trains your easier access to creativity and a new performance. 
We would like to give you the opportunity to experience your individual session with this text free version. There are no limits to your creativity when to use this session: On the bench in front of the office building? At the window while watching the world outside?
If it doesn’t fit into your day any other way, you can also let your brain frequency relax with “pure sound” during lunch.

This bonus track is the “pro version” of the “Quick charger”.
It trains your ability of mind control and recharges you with new power.

Use it if you have already used the original version regularly. After a while, your system is programmed to the sound in such a way that the verbal guidance is no longer needed and maybe even disturbing you a bit.

This session is 100% inaudible and brings you into deep relaxation.
It is optimal for the moment when you would like to train your brain frequency in absolute silence.
Here, only the QantexX® sound plays in the version inaudible to the human ear.

Sessions 1 to 7 are also available in a version
in which QantexX Sound is recorded in a version that is inaudible to the human ear.

Stefan Baum
Managing Partner
Kaffka & Baum GmbH

“We use QantexX every day! Especially the “Powernap” program (from BrainUp) and the “Focus Assistant” are way ahead. It’s amazing every day how quickly I recover and how highly concentrated I can still work with it in the afternoon/evening. It’s also very helpful on long car journeys. It’s rare that I can recommend something so wholeheartedly.”

Jana Kulhavy
Managing Director
Speakers Excellence

“Especially in this day and age, it is so important to keep focusing on the essentials. BrainUp from QantexX has become my perfect companion in my fast-paced everyday life and helps me to refocus easily, quickly and effectively. Thank you for this wonderful tool, which I have with me everywhere on my smartphone.”

Buy QantexX® “BrainUp” and get your access data immediately.
Simple stereo headphones and an Internet connection are the only requirements before you can get started.

Use BrainUp whenever and wherever you like:
With the QantexX app, all content is conveniently available to you on your cell phone, even offline.
Download the free app and log in once with your access data. It couldn’t be easier.

16 sessions with a runtime of 15 minutes each.
269.00$ per year

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