QantexX Academy

New skills for today's world

The QantexX training program

Our mindset, our deep beliefs and therefore our personality, which determine our entire life, are stored in the quantum field. With us, you will learn how to access it as efficiently as possible. This gives you full control over your life and your actions. Nothing is left to “chance” anymore! You will have a completely new level of performance, while everything will be easier and simpler for you.

The QantexX Academy offers you the most effective method of personal development currently available.

What you get from the QantexX training

– Completely new skills
– Anxiety-free handling of change and creation of your desired life
– Basic understanding of the visible and invisible world:
the field, human thinking, mental power, resilience and the power of brain frequencies
– Access to the quantum field and therefore control of your
mindset, your attitude, your perception and your personality
– Creativity and new performance
– Creative power, lightness and desire for more
– Joy of life, health and fulfilling relationships

For people who want more

There are people who really want to shape something. Their life, their work, their health, their world. They are not satisfied with “the way things are”. They don’t want to be a victim of circumstances or blame others for the fact that their lives are not perfect.
They want to do better, develop themselves and take control of their lives. They want to take self-leadership and leadership. They want more. They dream of living a fulfilled, successful, healthy and happy life: a dream life. Their best possible life!
Deep down, they know that this is possible and that they just haven’t yet learned the right way, the right technique to achieve it.

If you are such a person, then we have the solution for you:
The QantexX training.

The essence of the most effective methods
for personal development

In our academy you will experience the most profound, personal and effective training.
We have eliminated the essence of the most effective methods for personal development into a contemporary and practical form.
You will learn completely new skills: perceiving at a higher level and acting in more effective dimensions.
You open up a completely new space for action: everything becomes easier and you are clearer, more productive, more powerful and simply have more fun in life
The QantexX training is the result of decades of research.

You start with the 5-day basic course, the QantexX Practitioner.
You can find all the content, key dates, location and costs in our info package.

The QantexX training offers you both the skills and techniques to master your life and to develop outstanding leadership and implementation skills in your professional work.

Dates with vacancies
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2024 - #3

30.11.2024 – 04.12.2024

2025 - #1

26.04.2025 – 30.04.2025

2025 - #2

26.08.2025 – 30.08.2025

You already have all the information about the Practitioner you need and would like to register directly?

Dates with vacancies
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2024 - #2

16.11.2024 – 20.11.2024

2025 - #1

14.08.2025 – 18.08.2025

2026 - #1

10.01.2026 – 14.01.2026

You have already completed the Practitioner and would like to register for the Master?

Speed. Input. Pressure.

“I don’t even know who I really am anymore, what I really want.”
Time is racing and we are racing with it. But are we heading in the right direction?
Are we using the best paths?
Are we recognizing the truth and the essentials?

Too much stress and too much speed prevent us from finding new answers to the challenges of today and tomorrow. Too much stress leads to doubts, fears and excessive demands. Then the questions lurk: “Can I do it?” “Am I good enough?” and rob us of our strength.

Only when we create clarity, security and lightness in our everyday lives, there is room for creative nd new solutions that move us all forward. This is how top performance is created. This is how innovation is created.

We need to confront fear and uncertainty in the world differently than with excessive demands, prohibitions and resignation. Where is the path to hope and creativity? Where are the pragmatic visionaries with the will to create a better tomorrow? The people who say: There must be a better way. It has to be easier.

We have developed our QantexX training for you.

The founders of the QantexX Academy

We are Amina Meineker and Clemens Mucharski and we love efficiency. In over 20 years of research and experience and through working with thousands, we have developed QantexX and the Brain Frequency leadership method. It provides people with the essence of all spiritual traditions and all effective personal development in a contemporary form and language – clear, well-founded and practicable.

We both came to this path because we were looking for answers for our own lives:


I was about 30 and a very successful economist. But late one evening, I was standing in the office – once again the last one there – and asked myself: “What am I actually doing here?” A major crisis of meaning began, which led to many changes. I found reasons and solutions for my allergies and my workaholism, but no one could explain to me why they worked. What exactly had worked and set me free? How could I reproduce it? I had tasted blood and would not rest until I had found all the answers. This led to me living in India for 3 years, teaching transformation internationally for 10 years and founding the company now known as QantexX Academy in 2010.


I have always had a deep fascination for the development of health and for the natural sciences. How is safety created? What dissolves fears? What activates self-healing powers and allows people to surpass themselves? Who am I and what is my purpose? These questions run like a red thread through my life. It went so far that I studied medicine and founded a security company. When Amina and I met in 2015, we began to develop the training in its current form. Today, we can offer people an incredible shortcut because we know exactly the way. That’s why I invented and produced QantexX Sound in 2020.

Today’s QantexX training is the result of our joint work.

What graduates of the
QantexX Academy say

The training to become a QantexX Practitioner is a life-changing experience. It gives you full control over your own life. It is truly amazing. For the first time I have the power to direct what happens in my life. Although there are similar concepts on the market, none of them can match what the QantexX Academy can do.

René Tzschoppe
Owner and Managing Director

It’s beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before.
A huge added value!

Katja Schanz
Actress and Coach
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The QantexX Academy was a turbo for me to make my life better. A new foundation. I resolved things here that I’d never got to before, even though I’d already done a lot. My high expectations were more than exceeded. It doesn’t get any faster, clearer or more profound than this. Amina is truly life-changing.

Martin Limbeck
Owner and Managing Director
Limbeck Group

I have never experienced so much magic as in the time after the Practitioner. So much peace, strength, joy, happiness, success and love. It’s sheer madness. It all sounds so cheesy, but to be honest, that’s exactly how I’ve experienced my life since the Practitioner.

Sophie Meyer
Authorized officer, Commercial Director
Proroomz GmbH

The training has changed my life and allowed me to become who I really am.
It has given me security, peace, perspective and connection. Thank you!

Patrick H.
Business consultant

In four years of therapy training, I have not come as close to myself as I did on the first day of the QantexX training.

Ute G.
Special needs teacher

I have learned here how to make effective progress without effort.

René Höfinghoff
Entrepreneur and coach
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Courses in the QantexX Academy

You always start with the 5-day QantexX Practitioner.
Download your info package now and register. The price-performance ratio is terrific.

Our warranty

If you decide on the evening of the first day of the course that the QantexX training is not for you after all,
we will refund you the full course price (excluding travel and hotel costs).

Personal development with QantexX Sound

With QantexX sound, we developed and patented an acoustic sensation. Your brain frequency is reliably guided into the area where change and thus personality development is possible in the first place.

It is a world wide unique combination of binaural sound and targeted guidance of the brain frequency. QantexX Sound guides your brain frequency into the area that is needed for the profound processes of our training. This is the only reason why it is possible to offer our comprehensive program in just 5 days. You gain access to a deeper level within yourself that you may not have even known before. Only here is it possible to lay a new foundation for yourself and your life. Thanks to QantexX Sound, you can easily access the quantum field and lead yourself to more success, more ease, more creativity, more peace, more health and more strength.

Have you tried a lot already?

In the QantexX training, we not only teach you how to access the quantum field in a highly efficient way. We also put together the big puzzle of all the self-development parts that you have already tried in your life or that you have already heard of. It maybe change management, agile working, coaching, indigenous and/or spiritual traditions or religions, yoga, mindfulness, autogenic training, meditation, nutrition, hypnosis, Zen, NLP, psychotherapy, personality development of any kind, etc.

You’ve already tried a few things. But none of it has made a real or lasting difference to your life?
Our promise: Our academy will teach you the essence of what really matters for a great life.

We do not promise miracles.
We only make them possible!

What is at stake?

The complexity, pace and changes in our lives are putting us under increasing pressure. Artificial intelligence is being developed with a lot of time and money. Our world will change even faster and more profoundly in the coming years than it has since the introduction of the internet.
But we humans still think like we did in the Stone Age: the pace, the many changes and the uncertainty are stressing us out. This is bad for our health, bad for our performance and bad for our enjoyment of life.

The burnout rate has never been as high as it is today. There is no time for the really important things.
If we don’t change this, we will become more stressed and more sick. We are simply overwhelmed. Maybe we’ll drink even more alcohol and watch even more Netflix. We will then be less and less able to shape a better future with strength and good humor.

Please choose a different path for yourself! You are too unique and you have too much to give to the world. Do not wait. The world won’t wait either.

The QantexX vision

Upgrade your human abilities and access the quantum field. This will create the conditions for you to:
– become a pragmatic visionary because you can dream big and make it happen.
– see change and uncertainty as opportunities.
– no longer have stress, but an inner peace that gives you stamina and strength.
– develop a completely new level of performance.
– have an inner compass, a very good intuition.
– can make clear and good decisions quickly.
– get your strength from an infinite, universal source.
– always find a parking space.
– know deep down that “impossible” does not exist for you.
– have a magical charisma and positive life energy.
– can have fulfilling relationships.
– are amazingly successful because you act according to the principle: “The best way to deal with an uncertain future is to create it.”

It is then as if the universe comes to meet you half way and supports you.
The goal is to use a universal, physical truth to your advantage, just as the few very successful people have always done.

Now is the time to make this skills available to everyone.
That is what we have done. The result is the QantexX training.
Are you in?