1-20 Mastermind

“Finally a mastermind that has earned its name.”

(An enthusiastic participant)

1 day - 20 solutions

Over 400 years of business experience come together in this mastermind. We open up the space for a firework display of solutions that no one could have anticipated before. Creativity emerges, opening the way to the previously unknown. In the Olympic Stadium, your mind can open up to greater things. Participation is only possible with a personal invitation. Our main task is to bring together 20 creative, great entrepreneurs who will make this Mastermind something very special. This is where the best of the best come together to help each other. Everyone brings a challenge – and everyone contributes to the solution. You often get the most added value from the questions you haven’t even asked yourself yet.

Spend an incredibly valuable day with innovative companies that have already mastered many challenges themselves.

Amina Meineker and René Tzschoppe organize the 1-20 Mastermind once a year in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium.
Let’s pick brains.

Impressions Mastermind 2022

What some of our participants say

“It's incredibly valuable.
It's mega cool how many different industries are represented here.”
“Thank you very much for answering my question, I also took away two very specific things that we will be implementing at my institute this week. A great result.”
“This great treasure trove of knowledge here in this room - such a huge gift. I am incredibly grateful.”
“Very good to hear new perspectives from other sectors.”
“The input from all the participants is really strong! I'll definitely be back next time!”
“Megacool! No frills, just what it's really about. It's the only mastermind in the German-speaking world that I can recommend that really deserves its name.”
“I like the energy of it: we are all entrepreneurs, but here we have managed to create a kind of start-up energy that I really appreciate. It's really great!”
“The day was really, really good!”
“There were so many treasure words, nuggets of knowledge! A very rich day.”
“A fantastic format. When so much know-how is sitting at one table, you get to learn an incredible amount of things!”
“You helped me decide which cards to pick up from all the ones I threw in the air.”
“Wow, so much knowledge in the room.”
“Thanks for the honesty. So much input! Incredibly appreciative - and valuable.”
“I really liked the tips on a personal and entrepreneurial level.”
“I've learned an incredible amount today. I'm taking great hope home with me! It was worth it.”
“Goal achieved! Took away an incredible amount. Thank you, this was great.”
“I take away concrete answers for my topic. I have been very inspired. It is something special to sit in a room with people who are all at a different point and yet want the same thing. I don't know where I've experienced that before.”
“I should have come to you much earlier. So much great input! I'll be back again next year.”
„I am taking home a lot.“
“Real help at eye level. Thank you very much.”
“Gave me inspiration as to where I want to go in the next few years, what problems I would like to have. Very good!”
“Super great added value. I took a lot home from the other people's questions. Such exciting, great people here!”
“We really got to know each other here. This is due to the open and transparent format. Thank you very much!”

Curious? Get in touch with us if...

… you are still hungry, even though you should no longer be.
… you have big goals for yourself and your business.
… you know the value of exchange at eye level.
… you are a fan of shortcuts and creativity.
… you like to help others solve their problems.
… You know how important it is to invest time in yourself and your development.

Your hosts and organizers of the1-20 Mastermind are:

Amina Meineker
Manging Partner QantexX®

René Tzschoppe
Manging Partner autima®