Experience your consciousness

95,00€ pro Jahr

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See for your self, who you really are

In many traditions, meditation is the recognized path to wisdom. The reason for this is that in a state of deep meditation, people can directly experience what their true nature is. This offers the opportunity to have direct experiences of being beyond our physical body and not just be told about it. These experiences drastically change our views of ourselves and of life in general. This new view is then perceived as wise by others.
Unfortunately, these experiences have often only been accessible to those who have undergone a hard and often years-long training process.

With the QantexX deep meditations, everything changes.
From now on, this state is available to everyone – without long practice and without any folklore.
With the technical guidance of the brain frequency by the QantexX Sound, anyone can now quickly and reliably put themselves into deep meditation. The doors to new self-awareness are thus wide open to everyone.

The deep meditative state depends on the frequency of the brain.
QantexX Sound guides you exactly into this frequency, which you could otherwise only reach after years of intensive practice.

In five different versions you can experience that you are more than your physical body. You will get to know new abilities of your consciousness that go far beyond your “normal” use.
Get ready for a great adventure and discover yourself.

What to expect:

While the QantexX®-Sound quickly and unerringly guides your brain frequency into the deep delta range, you soon begin to perceive even beyond your physical sensations. Your focused attention allows you to experience sensations so subtle that they would otherwise be lost in your daily life.
You can expand this perception further and further. You have the possibility to perceive your own energy field.

In this mental journey you will experience a fascinating place: the garden of your soul.
In this garden you will also meet a big eagle. You can connect with him and he offers your consciousness a completely new perspective on your being. An infinite range of new possibilities of perception opens up to you now. Your consciousness can fly everywhere. Not only to any place, but also to any time.
In the frequency in which you perceive here, neither space nor time exist. Therefore, you can act beyond all physical limitations and experience incredible things.

This session gives you the opportunity to get in very close contact with your heart. As you are guided by the QantexX®-Sound into a deeper and deeper meditative state, your consciousness begins to expand. At the same time you focus your attention on your heart. Your possibilities of experience range from purely physical perception at the beginning to subtle and very fine energetic phenomena that otherwise remain hidden from you.

In this fourth meditation, you first focus your attention on the weight of matter. Thereby you notice the heaviness of your physical body and let it become more and more conscious to you.
It is a fascinating feeling to experience this heaviness and at the beginning it requires some overcoming for some people to feel it completely. Again, it is a matter of practice to step completely over the threshold.

Out of the heaviness of physical being, your consciousness will now gradually move into its initial state and will become lighter and lighter. The connection to the initial power of nothingness in the depth of all being is available to help you. It is a force that is absolutely attractive for your consciousness.

This session leaves the guidance of your brain frequencies to the QantexX Sound alone. In this deep meditation, the pure binaural difference frequency of the sound is available to you and leaves your creativity for this meditation completely free:
Perhaps you have already had experiences in the first 4 “Deep State Meditations” that you would like to deepen again without the verbal guidance. Or you have already mentally traveled to certain places you would like to revisit to learn more. Then “Pure QantexX Sound” is exactly the right choice for this.
But even if you have been meditating for a long time and have your very own routine, this session can be a very helpful support for your path, as it guides your brain frequency unerringly and reliably into deep meditation.

Sessions 1 to 5 are also available in a version
in which QantexX Sound is recorded inaudible to the human ear.

Buy QantexX “Deep State Meditations” and get your access data right away.
Simple stereo headphones and an internet connection are the only requirements before you can get started.
Use “Deep State Meditations” whenever and wherever you like:
With the QantexX app, all content is conveniently available on your cell phone, even offline.
Download the free app and log in with your access data. It couldn’t be easier.
10 sessions with a runtime of 40 minutes each.
169.00$ per year

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